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July 2 2003, 09:42 Interfax-Ukraine

State committee for reserves plans 42,700-tonne intervention in flour market

Ukraine's State Committee for Management of Material Reserves plans to start intervention in the market of flour in the amount of 42,700 tonnes in order to stabilise situation in domestic market, the Head of the State Committee Mykola Pesotsky told the joint sitting of representatives of government and parliament, devoted to the situation in the country's agrarian sector, on Tuesday, Interfax-Ukraine news agency informed.

The top grade flour from state reserves will be sold at 1,100 hryvnias ($206.4) per tonne, Pesotsky said.

He said that the intervention would help remove tension in the food market and stabilise prices at the level of April this year. He said that the state committee had already sold in domestic market 56,800 tonnes of flour at 985 (top grade) and 860 (first grade) hryvnias per tonne.

The Committee for Material Reserves started interventions in the flour market in March this year on the commissioning of government because of appeals of some regions about allocation of flour to them in order refill regional stocks.

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