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July 3 2003, 11:24 Interfax-Ukraine

Deputies propose to set 2 mln t quota for imports of milling grain

On Wednesday, July 2 Verkovna Rada considered in the first reading a bill, regulating imports of milling grain to Ukraine in 2003. The bill proposes to introduce a quota for milling grain in the amount of 2 million tonnes.

The document suggests till December 31 this year performing customs clearings of imported milling grain within the established quota as a commodity of critical import, with zero rate of import duty. The imported milling grain within the quota is to be exempt from VAT.

According to the bill, the subjects of foreign trade, which will be importing the grain, are to be determined by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, on competition basis. The regulating mechanism of import supplies of milling grain and the control procedure are to be set by the Cabinet of Ministers.

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