Ukraine: prices for imported fertilizers and other inputs increased in 2010
According to the information provided by the analysts of "APK- Inform: fruit and vegetables", in 2010 growers’ costs for vegetable growing have increased considerably. According to preliminary estimates, prices for imported vegetable seeds increased by 5- 15% as compared to the previous year. Prices for imported fertilizers and other inputs increased even more significantly.
Andriy Yarmak, head of "Fruit-Inform" thinks that the prices for imported seeds grew up partly due to the sharp increase in demand by professional growers and households, who are planning to increase area under vegetables and potatoes in 2010 significantly. Noteworthy, growers prefer imported seeds to domestic in the current year as opposed to 2009.
Considering possible decrease of prices for most vegetables, growing costs of production could lead to significant reduction of sector’s profitability. It is also possible that production of some vegetables in 2010 could cause losses to growers.
Detailed production and price forecasts for fruits & vegetables in 2010 would traditionally be provided to subscribers of “Fruit-Inform” at the end of April.