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July 17 2003, 16:05

Moldova will control quality of imported foodstuffs

According to InfoMarket.MD, Moldovan centre for protection of consumers' rights intends to launch expertise of foodstuffs, being imported to the country. The relevant department has been already created within the centre. The centre's head George Benderski said to a press-conference that such a necessity had arisen because of more and more frequent cases of bringing substandard products to the country, which caused diseases. He exemplified this by a case with 250,000 tonnes of American chicken hams, brought by a "high-ranked official, former prime-minister and current deputy of parliament, ignoring the sittings of the legislative organ" (Benderski didn't provide the name).

Benderski said that ten people in the country had fallen ill after consuming the hams from that shipment. He asked the country's business companies "to restrain from storing and sales of these hams" and the general prosecutor's office and supreme authorities "to take measures for putting this sphere to order".

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