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July 23 2003, 17:52 APK-Inform

Fieldwork progress in Ukraine Jul. 23

According to operative information, as of July 23, 2003 grains and pulses in Ukraine have been harvested on 1.808 million hectares, which is 20 percent of the area forecast. Grains harvested from 1.454 million hectares (16 percent of the forecast) have been threshed. The amount of threshed grain constitutes 1.879 million tonnes. Average yield as of the date is 1.29 tonne per hectare.

Winter wheat has been harvested on 870,800 hectares, which is 37 percent of the forecast area. The crop, collected from 755,000 hectares (32 percent of forecast), has been threshed. The amount of threshed wheat is 1.056 million tonnes, the average yield - 1.4 tonne per hectare.

Soil preparation for planting of winter crops has been completed on 4.327 million hectares, or 52 percent of the projected area.

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