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August 8 2003, 11:58 APK-Inform

Russia harvested over 12 mln t grain Aug. 5

According to Institute for Agrarian Market Situation, as of August 5, 2003 Russian farmers harvested grains and pulses (without maize) from 5.379 million hectares, which is 12.8 percent of the total area to be harvested. The amount of threshed grain as of the date was 12.494 million tonnes, against 42.909 million tonnes collected as of the same date last year. Grain yield has averaged 2.36 tonnes per hectare, being by 0.44 tonne per hectare lower than as of the same period last year.

Apart from southern regions, the farms of Central and Far Eastern Federal Districts and also of Kaliningrad oblast have started the harvest. The yields in the above Districts average 2.15 and 1.23 tonne per hectare accordingly. Frequent rains are hampering harvesting works in the south and central parts of the country.

According to the Institute's data, 8.599 million tonnes out of the total amount of collected grain is taken up by wheat (in 2002 - 27.716 million tonnes). The wheat yield averages 2.49 tonnes per hectare versus 3.14 tonnes per hectare the year before.

The tests of controlling bodies have shown that quality of grain is higher that last year's in Krasnodar and Stavropol Krais, which have already finished the harvest, and in Volgograd oblast. Thus, the share of wheat varieties, which in Russia are referred to as "strong and valuable", in Stavropol Krai is 59 percent this season against 50 percent the season before, in Volgograd oblast - it is 58 percent against 21.

According to official forecasts, grain crop in Russia in 2003 will constitute 70 million tonnes. The forecast of the Institute for Agrarian Market Situations ranges between 66 and 74 million tonnes, including 37 to 39 million tonnes of wheat.

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