2nd International Trade Forum schedule to be fully filled in nearest days
As we informed you earlier, the 2nd International Trade Forum will be held on November 30, 2012, after the 9th International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2012. New Challenge” (November 28-29), Kiev, Ukraine.
For the present, the trade forum meetings schedule with 27 Ukrainian and Russian retail chains and importers is 90% completed. Moreover, there are only 1-2 free spaces left in the schedule of the following companies: Auchan, Billa, Fozzy Group, Novus, ATB-Market. All meetings timetable will be fully filled in by November 16. The full list of importers and retailers is available here: http://www.fruit-inform.com/en/conferences/retail_forum/about
The companies having already confirmed their negotiations with 90% of Ukrainian retail sector and biggest retail chain in Russia includes in particular:
- From SAC, the company supplying apples from Italian Alps and producing 70% of all apples grown in Italy;
- The Best Fresh Group Holland, the company offering all year round assortment of fruits and vegetables;
- Agro Red&Green, the supplier of fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, zucchinis and other vegetables from Almeria, Spain;
- Agroland for Agricultural Manufacturing, the exporter of Navel and Valencia oranges, lemons, potatoes and onions from Egypt;
- Agrofresh, the Spanish export consortium supplying grapes, oranges, lemons, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables;
- Ukrainian vegetable suppliers: Rodyuchist Agro, Greenwill, Dzvony, Biotech Systems;
- Ukrainian fruit suppliers: Sady Ukrainy, Agrana Fruit Luka, Sady Prykarpattya;
- Ukrainian organic produce suppliers: Chistyi Produkt S;
- and many others.
Pay your attention: the trade forum fee for the conference participants amounts only to 100 euro!
More detailed information about the events is available here: http://www.fruit-inform.com/en/conferences
To join the conference and trade forum participants, please fill out an application form: http://www.fruit-inform.com/en/conferences/f&v2012/form
For more detailed information about the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel/fax: +380 562 320795 Ukraine
tel/fax: +7 495 7894419 Russia
cell: +380 96 5836323 Ievgen Kuzin
e-mail: fruit.intl@fruit-inform.com