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October 8 2014, 14:03 Fruit-Inform

Updated program of Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014 Conference

Registration of participants of the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014» actively goes on with the conference program being regularly updated and recently joined by the following speakers:

Mr. Vadim Dudka, Director at Agroanaliz, who will have the presentation on the subject of «Efficient vegetable growing under conditions of instability in the currency exchange rates»;

Mr. Ivan Gross, GROSS Consultant, will speak on new technologies applied in orchards and French experience applied in Ukrainian farms;

Mr. Yevgeniy Milovanov, President at Federation of Organic Movement of Ukraine, will cover the subject of the Ukrainian organic market development and its export potential;

Ms. Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform, will traditionally present the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable production and price forecast as well as a preliminary outlook for the season 2015/16.

You can follow further changes and updates in the conference program on the official web-site.

Pay your attention that minimum registration fees will be in effect until October 20.

The 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014» will be held on December 8-10, 2014, Rus Hotel, Kiev, Ukraine. The conference will traditionally include the International Trade Forum on December 10.

The conference and trade forum will involve more than 300 fruit and vegetable professionals from 15-18 countries of the world. The event will mostly attract fruit and vegetable growers, processing enterprises, retail and wholesale trade representatives, suppliers of seeds and plants, inputs, equipment and machinery. The conference will also be attended by fruit and vegetable storage and handling solutions suppliers, investment companies, financial enterprises, specialized mass media etc.

More detailed information about the conference, b2b exposition, trade forum is available on the official web-site of the events.

Would you have any questions, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:

tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)

cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)

e-mail: fruit.intl@fruit-inform.com

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