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Total companies: 8012
Company | Company type | Registration data |
Шеремет ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | September 11 2004 |
Стандарт ООО | Others | September 10 2004 |
Попович СПД | Wholesalers | September 9 2004 |
Колос СФХ | Private family farms | September 8 2004 |
РосанПак СП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | September 8 2004 |
Сандора Крымский филиал | Processing companies | September 7 2004 |
Дэвиант ЧП | Wholesalers | September 2 2004 |
"Украгротехнологии" ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | September 2 2004 |
"Унифермаг" ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | September 2 2004 |
Фораш ФХ | Private family farms | September 1 2004 |
Прогресс ООО СХП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | September 1 2004 |
Закарпатье АТ | Associations | September 1 2004 |
Нива ЧКХ | Private family farms | September 1 2004 |
Зеленый великан ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | August 30 2004 |
Назаренко ЧСХ | Private producers - household plot owners | August 27 2004 |
Вареник КФХ | Private family farms | August 26 2004 |
Вакулин ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | August 26 2004 |
Новая жизнь КФХ | Private family farms | August 26 2004 |
Альта лтд ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | August 26 2004 |
Наталенко | Wholesalers | August 25 2004 |