Business Cards

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Total companies: 8012


Company Company type Registration data
Шеремет ЧП Private producers - household plot owners September 11 2004
Стандарт ООО Others September 10 2004
Попович СПД Wholesalers September 9 2004
Колос СФХ Private family farms September 8 2004
РосанПак СП Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment September 8 2004
Сандора Крымский филиал Processing companies September 7 2004
Дэвиант ЧП Wholesalers September 2 2004
"Украгротехнологии" ООО Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment September 2 2004
"Унифермаг" ООО Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment September 2 2004
Фораш ФХ Private family farms September 1 2004
Прогресс ООО СХП Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment September 1 2004
Закарпатье АТ Associations September 1 2004
Нива ЧКХ Private family farms September 1 2004
Зеленый великан ЧП Private producers - household plot owners August 30 2004
Назаренко ЧСХ Private producers - household plot owners August 27 2004
Вареник КФХ Private family farms August 26 2004
Вакулин ЧП Private producers - household plot owners August 26 2004
Новая жизнь КФХ Private family farms August 26 2004
Альта лтд ООО Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment August 26 2004
Наталенко Wholesalers August 25 2004

Companies: 4101 (shown from 3361 to 3380)

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