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Total companies: 8012
Company | Company type | Registration data |
Дюпон, Львовское предст. | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | July 20 2004 |
Дунапак-Украина ООО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | July 20 2004 |
Райз-Агросервис, Галицкий филиал | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | July 20 2004 |
Вомир-Украина СП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | July 20 2004 |
Сынгента ТОВ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | July 20 2004 |
Кордецкий СПД | Wholesalers | July 20 2004 |
Ковалёв СПД | Wholesalers | July 20 2004 |
Рага ООО | Others | July 20 2004 |
Агро-Элит" СФХ | Private family farms | July 20 2004 |
Вист ЧП | Large farms | July 20 2004 |
Згура ЧСХ | Private producers - household plot owners | July 16 2004 |
ООО ПКФ Биолог | Others | July 16 2004 |
Чебер СФХ | Private family farms | July 15 2004 |
Омельяненко ЧП | Wholesalers | July 15 2004 |
Аграна Фрут Украина ООО | Processing companies | July 15 2004 |
Починок ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | July 15 2004 |
Маренич ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | July 14 2004 |
Олко СФХ | Private family farms | July 14 2004 |
Ибрагимов ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | July 14 2004 |
Азизов ЧП | Private producers - household plot owners | July 14 2004 |