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Total companies: 8012
Company | Company type | Registration data |
Интермаркет ООО | Retailers | February 7 2004 |
Львивхолод ООО | Retailers | February 7 2004 |
Агроэкспорт ООО (ТМ „Чудо”) | Processing companies | February 7 2004 |
Бродивськый консервный з-д ОАО | Processing companies | February 7 2004 |
Черкассытара ЗАО | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 6 2004 |
Колос ФХ | Private family farms | February 5 2004 |
"Измаильский бумажный комбинат" | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 5 2004 |
Иссон КФХ | Private family farms | February 5 2004 |
Касмет КФГ | Private family farms | February 5 2004 |
Предст.Инст.гидр.и мел. вЗак | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Ай-БИ-И-Барва СП ТОВ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Райз-Агросервис ДП, Закарп. филиал | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Мукачевский райагротехсервис ВАТ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Сортнасинняовоч ВАТ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Антария НВПМ | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Балог ПП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Стефания СП (маг."Зеленый Мир") | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Яблонський ПП | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Агрокомплекс | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |
Агроленд СП Закарпатский филиал | Suppliers of input and agricultural equipment | February 4 2004 |