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The 11th International Conference
The conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014» was traditionally held in conjunction with leading fruit and vegetable exhibitions: Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine Expo and Fresh Produce Ukraine Expo. However, in view of latest political and economical events in the country, several companies took their timeout for taking part in large exhibition projects in 2014. At the same time, taking into account market demands and clients' requests, Fruit-Inform will traditionally hold the largest fruit and vegetable event in Ukraine. Furthermore, there are no analogs of the conference, trade forum and fruit and vegetable exhibition in Ukraine for the present.
Thus, the following events will take place in Rus Hotel, Kiev, December 8-10, 2014:
- December 8-9 – the 11th International Conference «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014»
- December 10 – the 4th International Trade Forum
- December 8-10 – the B2B Exposition «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014»
The exposition floor area will total 165 sq m, therefore the organizers offer the maximal area of exposition places of up to 6 sq m (sponsorship packages), and the area of the majority of exposition places will be no larger than 4 sq m.
Pay your attention: 60 sq m of the exposition will be assigned to 15 growers of fruits and vegetables from Ukraine.
Domestic growers will be able to showcase their products to conference participants, exposition visitors, retail and wholesale trade representatives for free for three days.
Visitors of the B2B Exposition «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014»
The exposition will be visited by fruit and vegetable growers, suppliers of inputs and equipment, wholesale companies, specialized mass media, representatives of retail chains etc. The key visitors will be represented by conference attendees (about 250 delegates), trade forum participants as well as other fruit and vegetable sector companies. Invitations to the exposition will be sent to more than 5,000 companies from Fruit-Inform database. Entrance to the exposition will be available to pre-registered visitors, or by tickets, which excludes occasional visitors and loss of time of participants.
Conditions of participation in the exposition
Registration fee for participation of 1 delegate on 4 sq m of the exposition: 800 EUR.
Additional delegates are registered according to current conference fees.
Exposition fee payment includes:
- 4 sq m in the exposition hall (a table, two chairs, light, cleaning, security, a tablet with company's name) on December 8-10;
- participation of 1 delegate in the conference (informational materials, coffee-breaks, lunches, gala-dinner, speakers' presentations, participants' business cards) on December 8-9.
Additional opportunities
An exposition participant can use his/her own informational desk, informational and advertising materials, banners etc. Pay your attention that a total area of such an exposition place must not be larger than 4 sq m.
To have wider advertising campaign, the exposition participants can use the conference advertising options: inclusion of materials into participants' portfolios, banner in conference hall, commercial presentation etc.
Pay your attention!
A number and a format of materials and additional equipment of participants for the exposition place must be confirmed by the organizers.
The organizers reserve the right to deny placing some equipment of the exposition participants based on the Rus Hotel internal regulations.
Registration procedures for B2B Exposition «Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine-2014»
- You must fill out a conference application form and specify «Participation in exposition» option.
- Then you must download and fill out an exposition application form, and send it to organizers.
- When filling out an exposition application form, you must specify all necessary equipment and materials to showcase by you.
- After receipt of the confirmation of the list of equipment and exposition place from the organizers, you receive the invoice according to your application form.
- Five days before the event, you receive an informational booklet, where all registration procedures will be specified.
B2B Exposition Application Form is downloadable here.
Would you have any questions regarding the exposition, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]