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Golden Bunch of Grapes-2013Republican Community Center, 115, Kiyevskaya St, Simferopol, Ukraine August 22-24, 2013 |
Fruit-Inform and V.B. Yarmilka announce the start of a new grape project in Ukraine: the 1st International Exhibition “Golden Bunch of Grapes – 2013” and the 1st International Conference “Table Grape Market of Ukraine. Situation & Outlook”.
The project's predecessor was the exhibition “Golden Bunch of Grapes” organized for four years by Ukrainian Vegetable Growing Development Project implemented by MEDA and Canada's Agency CIDA. Brief information on the previous edition:
- Over 1,000 visitors from Ukraine, Russia, Israel, USA, Canada, Uzbekistan, Moldova and Austria
- More than 60 participants presenting over 200 varieties and new hybrids of grapes
- Over 20 representatives of national and regional mass-media
It is commonly known that viticulture's economic efficiency per area unit is globally 10 times (15-20 times in some countries) higher than field crops' one and generates 2-3 times more revenues than vegetable growing. This fact also stimulates the Ukrainian commercial vine growing development.
Current edition of the exhibition will showcase:
- Table grape varieties, new hybrids
- Vine growing technologies
- Plant protection products and mineral fertilizers for viticulture business
- Grape quality retention technologies
- Irrigation systems used in viticulture
- Greenhouse technologies
- Grape storage and cooling
- Produce handling and packaging solutions
- Grape processing
- Viticulture machinery and equipment
- Grape and wine sampling
The exhibition focuses on beginners and professional table grape growers, representatives of wholesale and retail trade, suppliers of inputs, equipment, machinery, agrichemistry, plants, specialized mass-media etc.
The exhibition will attract about 100 exhibitors with table grape growers accounting for 30% of them. The 2-day exhibition will be visited by about 1,800 visitors; pre-registration and nominal entrance fee will bring the expo audience to professional one as much as possible.
The exhibition project will host the 1st International Conference “Table Grape Market of Ukraine. Situation & Outlook”, which will favor the whole informativeness of the event. The conference will be held in conjunction with the exhibition, August 22, 2013, and will be attended by up to 300 delegates from 11-13 countries throughout the world. The conference will focus on all table grape subjects: from market situation and production technologies to produce marketing.
Conference main subjects:
- Ukrainian table grape market. Situation and outlook
- Viticulture economic efficiency in Ukraine
- Promising varieties and new growing technologies
- Protection of vineyards against unfavorable weather conditions
- Agrichemistry in the table grape business
- Protected-ground viticulture
- Grape processing
- Efficient marketing in the grape business etc.
The last day of the grape project (August 24) will be dedicated to the business-cruise on board of Taman motor ship. The cruise will include seaside tour, visit to wine vaults, open sea swimming and luncheon.
Pay your attention:
Exhibition stand fees are the lowest in Ukraine
There is no entrance fee for pre-registered visitors
Media partners
Would you have any questions regarding the events, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform:
tel: +380 562 320795 (ext. - 341)
cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin)
e-mail: [email protected]