Experts found out the most popular apple variety in Ukraine
Golden Delicious turned out to be the most popular apple variety among professional producers of Ukraine. Such data are contained in rating of the most popular apple varieties of Ukraine from the first fundamental study “Apples of Ukraine: situation and prospects of production, storage, post harvest handling, processing, and marketing” .
The main reason of high interest of professionals to this variety consisted in relative simplicity of growing at high demand and price at market in comparison with other ones. Besides this, this variety is excellently stored within the long period of time. To tell the truth, as experts of Fruit-Inform note, this variety is not able to be produced in all regions of Ukraine: even in Vinnytsia region, color of these apples is near to green, and the best results in color and quality are obtained when growing them in the southern parts of the country.
In addition to good internal demand for Golden Delicious, apples of these varieties might be successfully exported, as they are known practically in all countries of the world. Ukrainian consumers often call this variety “apple-pear” of “genghevka” (from “gengha” in Ukrainian for “pear” in English) for its special and inimitable taste with pear tints.
More detailed information about other popular apple varieties in Ukraine and world from the point of view of production and market prospects, and also about prospects of production, storage, and selling of them is available in the study that was already received by several companies working in this sector. The study is fully completed (researching was finished in October) and may be ordered through this link.