Potatoes keep on decreasing in price
According to information of Fruit-Inform, prices for potatoes keep on decreasing in Ukraine. Within the last week, average wholesale price for potatoes decreased by 12% at once in Ukraine that corroborated our earlier forecasts.
Till the last week, producers tried to retain prices for potatoes at the high level. But already in the beginning of the week, it became obvious that at this fixed level of prices, it will be rather difficult to sell volumes not for storage till the beginning of frosts. Due to this fact, till the middle of the week, producers of 5 major potato producing regions synchronously became to decrease farmgate prices trying to restore the interest of wholesalers to their produce.
At the same time, wholesale companies, many of which yielded to groundless agio in mass-media, often had expensive potatoes available, as they had purchased them in the early-mid October, so wholesalers currently have to sell these potatoes at a loss. Due to this tendency, sales were conducted primarily at minimum prices and relatively small batches.
We may notice that since the mid September, wholesale prices for potatoes have already decreased by 21%, and there are no special prospects of growth of prices for this produce in the following week.
A detailed forecast of prospects of prices for potatoes and other categories of fruit and vegetable produce will be announced in course of work of the seventh international conference “Vegetables and fruit of Ukraine-2010” that traditionally gathers all leading experts and major enterprises of the sector. Specially for this event, Fruit-Inform is preparing a specified forecast of production and prices for the second half of the season (December-June) that is to be announced in course of presentation of Andrey Yarmak, Head of the project Fruit-Inform. The conference is to take place at “Ekspotsentr Ukrainy”, Kiev, on December 1-2, 2010. For participation in the event, please, fill in the application through this link.