Leading fruit and vegetable processors of Ukraine switch over to their own raw produce
Complicated climate conditions of the year 2010 led to sharp increase of prices for seasonal vegetables and fruits on fresh market. This had an especially negative impact on processors who do not dispose of their own fruit and vegetable raw produce growing facilities. At the same time, processing enterprises disposing of their own vegetable and horticultural farming facilities gained a considerable advantage.
It is not surprising that in the year 2011, problem of strategy of raw produce supply to fruit and vegetable processing facilities in Ukraine will be again aggravated. According to Fruit-Inform, there are only half functioning enterprises of 150 ones being able to process fruits and vegetables in Ukraine.
In addition, you may find produce of only 3-5 leading enterprises at supermarket shelves. A few other companies supply their produce under network trademarks (private labels). As to our estimates, the main problem for all non-working enterprises is access to raw produce of required quality at reasonable prices. And as to their opinion, the problem number 2 is selling of end products.
As a result, owners of non-working companies or enterprises working at a loss plan either to sell their companies (but there are no real buyers now), or to develop their own raw produce base. At the same time, producers, realizing that the following year prices for vegetables may be significantly lower than the current year ones, are ready to conclude agreements for cooperation with processing enterprises already now. However, producers are often not confident in reliability and paying capacity of these processing companies.
How to find a way out of such situation? Is there any sense in developing of own raw production, and how to organize it better? What must a producer growing fruits and vegetables for a processor know? Answers for these and many other questions will be able to be got in course of special session “Processing of vegetables and fruits of Ukraine: new opportunities for raw products suppliers” that is included in the program of the seventh international conference ”Vegetables and Fruit of Ukraine-2010”.
In course of session you will be able to see and listen to presentations of two leading Ukrainian companies processing vegetables and fruits: group of the companies “Veres” (belongs to Smart-Holding) and the company “Agrofusion”. Also you will be able to listen to opinion of other major participants of the market in course of work of the round table meeting.
Participants of the event will be also able to receive fruit and vegetable price forecast, get information about situation in fruit and vegetable sector in EU, find out more about novelties of produce storage, post harvest handling, packing and quality securing technologies. On-line registration for participation in the conference is available through this link.