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November 8 2010, 14:01 Fruit-Inform

Prices for fruit and veg produce started increasing in Ukraine again

Fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of a Ukrainian consumer again increased by 1% within the previous week, after it decreased by 2% during the week earlier.

Notwithstanding the basket including four categories of produce with prices having decreased for them, a whole cost of the basket increased by 1%.

Fruit categories had the most changes. Tangerines and lemons sharply decreased in price, and table grapes did even sharper. Besides this, prices for oranges, bananas and apples grew.

Decrease of prices for tomatoes within a week was compensated by the further increase of prices for cucumbers. Currently, cucumbers are almost 1.5-fold higher in price than tomatoes. This has a negative impact on consumption.

Borsch vegetables increased in price by 1% within a week due to cabbage. Prices for carrots kept on decreasing, as supply of this category continues to be sufficient.

We would like to remind you that a detailed forecast of fruit and vegetable production and prices in the year 2011 will be announced in course of work of the seventh international conference ”Vegetables and Fruit of Ukraine-2010”. This event will traditionally gather all leading experts and major enterprises of the sector. The conference is to take place at “Ekspotsentr Ukrainy”, Kiev, on December 1-2, 2010.

In this year, an interest to the conference is actively shown by large importers of fruits and vegetables from Russia. Also, program of the event includes a whole number of interesting novelties that will not leave any participant of fruit and vegetable business indifferent.

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