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December 6 2010, 10:07 Fruit-Inform

Growth rates of prices for fruit and veg produce keep on decreasing in Russia

Russian fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of a Russian consumer increased by 1% within the last week. This indicates further slowdown of growth rates of prices for fruits and vegetables. Nevertheless, within 4 last weeks, prices for fruit and vegetable produce increased approximately by 15% in Russia.

The main reason of growth of cost of the basket during this week were traditional vegetables: within the week, increase of prices was experienced for onions, cabbage and table beets. The most significant growth of prices was for beets. Analysts of Fruit-Inform Project tell that after further growth of prices for onions, this category became the most expensive one in set of traditional vegetables.

Prices for fruits increased slightly, primarily due to tangerines. Experts predict holiday growth of prices to start already in the next week.

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