Further increase of fruit and veg produce prices within the last week in Ukraine
Fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform Project shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of Ukrainian consumer increased by 0.5% within the last week, after sharp 6% increase within the earlier week. In that way, price growth tendency fixed 3 weeks ago remained, and fruit and vegetable produce increased in price by 15% during this time.
Borsch vegetables were the main reason of price growth within the last week, as they increased in price by 1%. Prices for glass-grown produce remained stable; fruits decreased in price by 0.5%.
In borsch set, the positive dynamics were demonstrated by prices for beets and cabbage, as there was some shortage experienced for these categories. In such a way, within a week, cabbage became the most expensive borsch category, though in the last year it was one of the cheapest categories. Beets are higher in price than carrots already by 30%, though usually these categories are sold at approximately equal prices. For the present, all main tendencies confirm our preliminary forecasts announced during work of the seventh international conference “Vegetables and Fruit of Ukraine-2010”.
Among fruits, we may note a slight decrease of prices for bananas, meanwhile all other fruits were sold at unchanged prices.