Ukraine approaching to New Year; fruits for the first time decreasing in price; vegetables increasing
Fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform Project shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of Ukrainian consumers decreased by 0.5% within the last week after the same growth within the week earlier. Nevertheless, within the last month, fruit and vegetable basket increased in price by 14%.
The main and the only cause of decrease of prices for fruit and vegetable produce categories within the last week was 6% decrease of prices for fruits. Indeed, only oranges and tangerines became cheaper, though rather significantly. The main reason was growth of supply, which was not compensated with increase of demand from consumers.
As for vegetable set, its dynamics were more positive for suppliers. In total, vegetable basket increased in price by 2% within the last week. Glass-grown vegetables increased averagely by 4%, borsch vegetables – by 1%.
For the first time within 2 and a half last months prices for onions have grown. Besides this, beets being stable until recently increased in price. As for potatoes, carrots, and cabbage, prices for them have not changed within a week.
As to preliminary data, prices for fruit and vegetable produce will start to grow dynamically already in the end of the current week, when consumers facing New Year holidays approaching will intensify their buying activity.