New Year without vitamins, as fruits and vegetables for New Year board will be 33% higher in price for Ukrainians
Analysts of Fruit-Inform Project predict that Ukrainians will have to stint consumption of vitaminous produce for New Year holidays in the current year, as prices for main set of fruits and vegetables will be 33% higher than a year earlier.
“It is definitely the record-breaking level of prices for fruits and vegetables, which has ever been recorded in Ukraine in advance of New Year holidays”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, said. Moreover, according to expert's opinion, prospects of growth of prices are far from being exhausted. “Pre-New-Year increase of prices is only beginning. Moreover, we should not expect traditional decrease of prices after holidays, as stocks of main vegetables are lower than usual”, A. Yarmak adds.
The sharpest increase of prices in this year will be experienced for bananas and potatoes. Prices for bananas in Ukraine will be 60-70% higher than a year before, prices for potatoes – 50-55% higher. Potatoes in some regions are already higher in price by more than 60% comparatively with the last year.
Significant growth of prices is expected also for apples and glass-grown tomatoes (by 45%), cabbage and onions (by 35-45%). The only categories that will become cheaper are glass-grown cucumbers and carrots.
New Year board will already be 55% higher in cost than 2 years ago, and borsch set of vegetables – 2.5-fold higher.