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December 27 2010, 10:14 Fruit-Inform

Sharp growth of fruit and veg produce prices in Ukraine in advance of New Year holidays

Fruit and vegetable index of Fruit-Inform Project shows that cost of fruit and vegetable basket of Ukrainian consumers grew by 6% at once within the previous week. In such a way, within the last month, growth of cost of the main set of fruits and vegetables reached 18%.

Within a week from December 20 to December 27, 2010, there was increase of prices for three main categories of fruits and vegetables: hothouse vegetables, traditional vegetables and potatoes, and fruits. The largest impact on growth of cost of fruit and vegetable basket was exerted by hothouse vegetables, as they increased in price by 21% within a week, including cucumbers with 44% growth at once. Fruits became more expensive by 3%; and traditional vegetables – by 1%.

Traditionally, nothing went down in price in advance of New Year holidays. Among traditional vegetables, cabbage kept on increasing in price, as cabbage producers, taking advantage of agiotage over this product, did not miss an opportunity to level up prices. Among fruits, there was increase in prices for oranges, mandarins, and bananas, as these categories are currently in high demand.

As to estimations of analysts from Fruit-Inform Project, during the current week, fruit and vegetable produce prices will reach their peak. After this, their slight decrease is possible.

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