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January 19 2011, 12:48 Fruit-Inform

The third international conference “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011”

The conference “Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011” will traditionally take place at RAC “Shuvar”, 4 B Khutorovka str., Lvov, on February 24-25, 2011. RAC “Shuvar” and “Fruit-Inform Project” are organizers of the event.

“Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011” is “the old new conference” based upon two past conferences solely focused on potatoes. Conducting fundamental studies of potato market, we found out that majority of potato growers also has projects on growing of traditional borsch vegetables. So to make the conference more efficient, we decided to focus it on potatoes and vegetables grown by majority of market participants: cabbages, carrots, beets, and onions. Though, of course, main attention will be as before drawn to potatoes. It is of high importance that these crops are major in Lvov region and Western Ukraine as a whole.

It is expected that about 150 delegates from 10 countries of the world will take part in work of the conference. Not lower than half of them are producers of potatoes and vegetables. Other participants will include representatives of retail and wholesale trade, suppliers of seeds, material and technical resources, plant protecting agents, technologies and equipment for storage and post harvest handling from Ukraine and other countries.

Notwithstanding expanding of subject area, the organizers kept the last year level of prices for participation. For the third time, the conference is held by RAC “Shuvar”, the largest wholesale market for fresh fruit and vegetable produce and potatoes in Ukraine entering group of 10 largest wholesale markets of Europe. In such a way the conference takes place in the center of major region of borsch vegetable and potato production and on the territory of the market where the largest volumes of such produce are sold.

RAC Shuvar is a lot more than market, it really is the agrarian center of Western Ukraine. Besides this, already for many years, RAC Shuvar renders services on storage, post harvest handling, packing, and marketing of vegetables and potatoes. We also plan to introduce the company's approaches to fruit and vegetable business to participants of the conference. The conference will also be aligned with subject exhibition.

Subject sections of the conference:

market for food and seed potatoes of Ukraine and prospects of its development;

forecast of production and prices for potatoes in Ukraine in the current and next seasons;

market for borsch vegetables (onions, cabbages, beets, carrots), forecast of production and prices in the current and next seasons;

novelties of technologies of potato, cabbage, onion, beet and carrot growing;

economical efficiency of storage and post harvest handling of borsch vegetables and potatoes;

marketing of borsch vegetables in Ukraine: analysis of efficiency of different market outlets;

foreign experience in production, harvesting, storage, post harvest handling and marketing of borsch vegetables and potatoes.

Work languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Attention: full information about the event will be available at on January 24, 2011. Please, send your preliminary requests for participation and advertising services to: [email protected].

Please, do not hesitate to contact to our foreign activity department of “Fruit-Inform Project”:

tel/fax: +380 562 320795

cell: +380 96 5836323

e-mail: [email protected]

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