Areas under early potatoes in Crimea expected to increase by 21% in 2011
According to information of analysts from Fruit-Inform Project, Crimean farmers are actively increasing areas under early potatoes. Preliminary area increase intentions of farmers amount to about 30%. But if taking into account actual provision with seed material, then, according to experts' opinion, expansion of areas will not exceed 20-22%. Production may increase by approximately the same percentage.
“Early potatoes are very keenly expected to appear in the market this year due to high prices for produce of the last year harvest”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, thinks. “In view of this, many producers from southern regions of Ukraine stake on early and extra early potatoes expecting high prices for them”, the expert continues.
First supplies of potatoes from Crimea will begin already in early May; and main harvest of relatively cheap potatoes of field-grown early varieties is expected till mid-June. Prices for early potatoes may really be higher than last year; however, there is a high probability of prices to decrease faster than usual, as supply of early potatoes will considerably grow. Other factor of possible faster decrease of prices for potatoes will be arrival of large shipments of potatoes from North Africa expecting already in the nearest months that can bring relief to Ukraine's fresh potato market.
Preparing for the third international conference Potato and Vegetables of Ukraine-2011, Fruit-Inform Project is conducting the study, results of which will be presented for all participants of the event. It will enable to update December potato and vegetable price forecast for spring of 2011 and make preliminary potato and vegetable production and price forecast for the new season.
We would also like to remind that the conference will take place on the territory of Shuvar wholesale market, Lvov, February 24-25, 2011, and will gather major potato and vegetable producers of Ukraine, as well as wholesale trade representatives, suppliers of seeds, material and technical resources, machinery and equipment for potato growing, storage, and post harvest handling.
Also the event will include the presentation of Ukrainian Potato Association (Potato Club) and broadened training for potato producers on questions of potato growing and storage technologies. On-line registration for participation in the event is available through this link.