Ukraine: 1st of April fruit and veg price record is not an April Fools' Day joke
Fruit-Inform Project's fruit and vegetable index shows that fruits and vegetables have further grown in price by 0.9% over last week. So prices, notwithstanding already being at the record-breaking level, continued their menacing growth.
If a week earlier the price increase was registered for all major fruit and vegetable categories, than last week only greenhouse vegetables did not grow in price. Growth of prices for fruits was the largest as they became 3.4% more expensive. Prices for traditional borsch vegetables (onions, cabbage, beets, carrots) increased by 0.6%. Prices for greenhouse vegetables did not practically changed notwithstanding significant cucumber price variations over last week.
“We should mention a further price increase for beets that became the second most problem vegetable after cabbage and reached the price level of onions”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “It was also unusual to see a rather inanimate reaction of the market to domestic tomatoes having appeared on offer at relatively low prices; however, consumers as before preferred cheaper Turkish produce”, the expert continues.
Analysts of Fruit-Inform Project note that the cardinal growth of fruit and vegetable prices is usually registered in April. So it is not ruled out that there will be new price records that are anti-records for consumers as fruits and vegetables have never been so expensive in Ukraine.