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April 11 2011, 13:36 Fruit-Inform

Russia lowered apple imports in the first months of 2011

Analysts of Fruit-Inform Project report of the considerable decrease of apple imports in Russia in the first months of 2011. Apple imports in January and February 2011 were 7.3% lower than in the same months of 2010.

“Russia lowered apple imports due to growth of prices being sharper than in the last season, and overall shortage of high-quality apples in Poland and EU”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “However, decrease of apple imports was compensated by growth of imports of bananas, oranges, and mandarins which grew by 7%, 26%, and 14% respectively over 2 first months of 2011”, the expert goes on.

As before, Poland was the major supplier of apples to the Russian market. According to estimates of Fruit-Inform Project, the share of Poland in total apple imports over first 2 months of 2011 reached 37%. China and Serbia were among top-three major suppliers of apples followed by Germany, Moldova, Belgium, and Ukraine.

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