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September 24 2003, 14:53 Interfax-Ukraine

Ukraine faces unfavourable weather conditions for winter crops development

The dry and warm weather, which has settled in Ukraine since the start of September, is unfavourable for sowing, sprouting and development of winter crops, a specialist in Ukraine's weather centre Tetyana Adamenko has informed.

She said in some regions development of the sown crops was handicapped because of moisture shortage in the soil. Conditions for sowing of winter crops are also unfavourable.

Miss Adamenko said the hardest deficit of soil moisture was observed in southern regions, which were just starting the sowing campaign. Though, such situation is typical for these regions in this period of year.

According to weather forecasts, in the north of the country rains are expected since September 25, while in the south the dry weather may last till October 10.

However, the specialists said at the moment it was too early to make any definitive forecasts of influence of weather conditions upon future crop of winter grains.

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