Sharp decrease of apple imports in Ukraine
According to analysts of Fruit-Inform Project, over first 7 months of the current season Ukraine has imported 5 times less apples than a season before. Moreover, over this period Ukraine's apple exports were 70% higher than imports.
“For the first time in its independent history, Ukraine was a net exporter of apples over first 7 months of a season. This was due to last year's domestic production growth with simultaneous production decrease in most countries of the world”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, explains. “This is a result of serious efforts in apple production development and huge investments made by Ukrainian entrepreneurs over last 6-7 years”, the expert continues.
According to him, already in 3-4 years Ukraine will stably have apple exports significantly higher than imports and compete with Poland and other EU countries in the market of CIS. Longer-term outlook shows that Ukrainian producers will begin to compete in the EU market too, however this needs additional efforts and investments into post-harvesting and packing of produce.