Early and last year's potatoes already almost equal in price in Ukraine
After last week's price decrease registered for early potatoes, they almost equaled last year's produce in price. According to Fruit-Inform Project, as of today, farmers from southern regions of Ukraine sell large early potatoes at UAH 10-12/kg (EUR 0.87-1.04/kg). Prices for small early potatoes decreased to UAH 7-8/kg (EUR 0.61-0.70/kg) that is almost equal to prices for last year's produce, last quantities of which are currently sold at UAH 6-7/kg (EUR 0.52-0.61/kg).
At the same time, experts of Fruit-Inform Project, doubt fast fall of prices for early produce in the nearest days. The fact is that now early potatoes are sold in small wholesale lots by small farms and merchants. Large lots will appear in the market approximately in mid-July that is averagely 7-10 days later than last year.
How many potatoes will be produced in Ukraine in 2011? What will be the price for them in the second half of the season 2011/12? These and many other questions are answered in the fundamental study “Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ukraine-2011: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season” which can be ordered at International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform Project by phone: +380 96 5836323, or via e-mail: [email protected].