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June 6 2011, 14:47 Fruit-Inform

May decrease of fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine

a href=> Fruit-Inform Project's fruit and vegetable index shows that month-on-month decrease of fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine amounted to 3.4% in May. In such a way, we can say of the beginning of seasonal reduction of fruit and vegetable prices in Ukraine which is averagely 2 weeks later this year.

The most significant contribution to decrease of prices was made by greenhouse vegetables which became 37% cheaper in May. Greenhouse cucumbers decreased in price more than two times.

Fruit prices fell too. Garden strawberries became two times cheaper last month. We should also mention that berries and early vegetables were more and more replacing apples, bananas and citrus fruit in Ukrainians' consumption structure.

As to borsch vegetables (onions, cabbage, beets, carrots) and potatoes, they kept on growing in price notwithstanding 44% decrease of cabbage prices. “Traditional vegetables kept on increasing in price mainly due to delay in harvesting of early root vegetables and potatoes and later start of harvesting of early cabbage”, Andriy Yarmak, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “However, supply of these products will grow in the first half of June that will reduce prices for them”, the expert continues. Moreover, first lots of domestic early onions are expected to appear in the Ukrainian market in the second half of June.

Hence, according to estimates of Fruit-Inform Project, fruit and vegetable prices can decrease by 10-15% month-on-month in Ukraine in June.

More detailed information about new season's fruit and vegetable production and price prospects in Ukraine is available in the fundamental study Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ukraine-2011: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season which can be ordered at International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform Project by phone: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin), or via e-mail: [email protected].

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