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June 17 2011, 12:27 Fruit-Inform

Ukrainian processors start purchasing cucumbers

The cucumber procurement season started at Ukraine's processing enterprises this week. For the present, the information about real purchase of raw produce arrive from not many of them, as cucumber prices are rather high now (UAH 2-3/kg – EUR 0.18-0.27/kg), and supply of field-grown cucumbers is not mass enough, according to Fruit-Inform Project.

This is the reason why many enterprises plan to purchase cucumbers since next week hoping for prices to decrease to at least UAH 1.00-1.50/kg (EUR 0.09-0.13/kg). At the same time, according to processors, waiting until prices decrease to more lower levels is rather risky, as they have learned that by last year's bitter experience. In summer 2010 processing enterprises did not hurry with purchasing cucumbers at UAH 0.70-1.20/kg (EUR 0.06-0.11/kg) in late June waiting for their further decrease in price. However, since early July cucumbers started rapidly growing in price in Ukraine, and by early August processors had to purchase cucumbers at UAH 2.50-3.00/kg (EUR 0.22-0.27/kg).

How did the planted area expand under cucumbers in Ukraine this year, and what prices will be for this vegetable in summer? These and many other questions are answered in the fundamental study Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ukraine-2011: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season which can be ordered at International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform Project by phone: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin), or via e-mail: [email protected].

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