June fruit and vegetable price deflation exceeded 20% in Ukraine
Fruit-Inform Project's fruit and vegetable index shows that in June fruit and vegetable prices decreased by 26.1% in Ukraine. In such a way, they have been falling for the second month in a row, as in May fruit and vegetable prices decreased by 3.4%.
The most significant price reduction in June was registered for greenhouse vegetables as prices for them fell more than two times. Traditional vegetables and potatoes decreased in price by 22.7% last month. At the same time, fruit and berry prices did not practically change.
According to Fruit-Inform Project's estimates, the fruit and vegetable price decreasing trend will remain in Ukraine in July and August; however, it will be less significant than in June.
We would remind you that the apple business of CIS is gathering at Stolychnyi Wholesale Market (the largest wholesale market of Ukraine), Kyiv, Ukraine, on August 11, 2011, at the First International Conference “Apple Business of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova - 2011” . The registration of the conference participants has already started.