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July 11 2011, 16:41 Fruit-Inform

Ukraine put no ban on vegetable imports from EU

Information about Ukraine to have put a ban on vegetable imports from the EU countries does not correspond to the facts. This was reported to Fruit-Inform Project by State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine and State Plant Quarantine Service of Ukraine.

The control over European vegetables was enhanced already in June, and the corresponding resolution №4250–012–1 was adopted by Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on June 9, 2011, in connection with E. coli outbreak in Europe.

According to the resolution, as of today, the enhanced inspection of all vegetables imported from the EU is in effect in Ukraine. In other words, importers are required to provide all documents to confirm implementation of analysis on presence of E. coli bacteria in imported vegetables at the state borders of Ukraine. If such an analysis was not implemented in the exporting country, it may be conducted by the certified labs of Ukrainian Phytosanitary Service.

There were no additional instructions received by corresponding authorities from Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

The only ban being currently in effect in the country is a prohibition of legume imports from Egypt carried into effect according to the resolution №4811-012-1 of July 7, 2011. Earlier, according to the resolution №4351-012-1 of June 15, 2011, a ban was put on legume imports from the EU countries.

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