Prices for traditional vegetables keeping on decreasing in Ukraine
According to Fruit-Inform Project, this week wholesale prices for traditional borsch vegetables (onions, white cabbages, red beets, carrots) are already lower than in the same week of last year and keep on decreasing.
In particular, an average price of onions, white cabbages, red beets and carrots is 5% lower than in the same period of 2010 (if taking into account the shares of these vegetables in the market). White cabbage and red beet prices are averagely 30% lower. Carrot prices are practically the same. Onion prices are for the present 10-15% higher than last year.
“Notwithstanding cold spring and incessant rains in late June – early July, expansion of areas under traditional vegetables had an important impact on the market, as growing supply made producers reduce prices”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “Moreover, cardinal reduction of prices is expected in September-November when the harvesting of late vegetables starts. Therefore, Ukrainian fruit and vegetable business is already now seeking for new target markets outside Ukraine”, Mrs. Getman adds.
We would remind you that this year all horticultural business of Ukraine and the CIS is going to sum up this season and prepare for the next one in the most convenient conditions of IEC (International Exhibition Center), the best expocenter of Ukraine, Brovarskyi Ave., Kiev, Ukraine. The most important event of the fruit and vegetable business is planned to host the international exhibition ”Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011”, the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter” and International Trade Forum which will help producers establish direct contacts with major purchasers of their produce.