Fruit and vegetable prices in Russia higher than in Ukraine
According to Fruit-Inform Project, wholesale prices for fruits and vegetables in Russia are currently 14.7% higher than in Ukraine. The difference in retail prices is even more significant, as Russia has more expensive logistics and higher number of resellers on the products' way to consumers. According to our estimates, retail prices for fruits and vegetables are currently 30-35% higher than in Ukraine.
The largest difference in prices is registered for greenhouse and seasonal vegetables which are averagely 30-40% cheaper in Ukraine. The difference in prices for traditional borsch vegetables (onions, white cabbages, red beets, carrots) is less significant and amounts to 14.2%. As to potatoes, they are just 6-7% higher in price in Russia.
Fruits and berries are averagely 34% cheaper in Ukraine than in the Russian Federation mainly due to considerably lower prices for seasonal fruits. At the same time, imported products (citrus fruits and bananas) in Russia are lower in price than in Ukraine. This fact is connected with larger volumes of the market in the Russian Federation, which lead to lower prices for Russian buyers. In addition, logistics of imported products entering the port of Saint Petersburg costs lower.
“In the season 2011/12 Ukraine will increase its shipments of fruits and vegetables to the market of the Russian Federation thanks to increase in domestic production, competitive prices and improvement of the quality of products”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “Nevertheless, Russia is expected to increase domestic production of most traditional vegetables and apples too. At the same time, Ukrainian importers will anyway find a niche for themselves in the Russian market. For example, Ukraine's exports of cucumbers and tomatoes to Russia are already now close to record-breaking”, Mrs. Getman adds.
We would remind you that this year all horticultural business of Ukraine and the CIS is going to sum up this season and prepare for the next one in the most convenient conditions of IEC (International Exhibition Center), the best expocenter of Ukraine, Brovarskyi Ave., Kiev, Ukraine. The most important event of the fruit and vegetable business is planned to host the international exhibition ”Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011”, the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter” and International Trade Forum which will help producers establish direct contacts with major purchasers of their produce.