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July 21 2011, 15:18 Fruit-Inform

White cabbage prices lower than EUR 0.09/kg at Stolichnyi Wholesale Market in Kiev, Ukraine

According to Fruit-Inform Project, as of July 20, 2011, wholesale prices for white cabbages fell to lower than UAH 1.00/kg (EUR 0.09/kg) at Stolichnyi Wholesale Market during disposal of large wholesale lots, which is conducted mainly at night.

In the daytime disposal of white cabbages is conducted mainly at UAH 1.00/kg (EUR 0.09/kg). It should be noted that wholesale prices for fruits and vegetables are averagely 15% lower at Stolychnyi than at any other wholesale markets or depots in Kiev, and often several times lower than in Kiev's supermarkets. In particular, small-scale wholesale lots of potatoes and marrows are sold at UAH 2.00/kg (EUR 0.18/kg); watermelons and red beets – at UAH 1.50/kg (EUR 0.13/kg); cucumbers, onions and Chinese cabbages – at UAH 3.00/kg (EUR 0.26/kg); tomatoes and bell peppers – at UAH 5.00/kg (EUR 0.44/kg); apricots, melons and cauliflowers – at UAH 6.00/kg (EUR 0.53/kg).

Management of Stolychnyi Wholesale Market reports of daily increase of the number of cars trading through indoor from-cars marketplace. Less than over a week the number of cars conducting the sales of products increased by 137% and keeps on growing. The number of wholesalers visiting the market to purchase products is increasing too.

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