Fruits and vegetables continue to become cheaper in Ukraine
Fruit-Inform Project's fruit and vegetable index shows that last week fruit and vegetable prices decreased by 1% in Ukraine, after sharp 40% fall over previous 2 weeks. In such a way, fruits and vegetables have been keeping on decreasing in price for the 11th week in a row.
“As we forecast a week earlier, the price decrease became slower as prices for many vegetables had already reached their seasonal minimums”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform Project, says. “Nevertheless, cardinal reduction of fruit and vegetable prices is expected in October this year, when the market will begin to be supplied with main volumes of late vegetables and fruits of new harvest”, Mrs. Getman continues.
Last week the most significant contribution to the fruit and vegetable price reduction was made by onions, melons and watermelons. As to carrots, they kept on decreasing in price too. Banana suppliers also had to reduce selling prices due to low demand. The price stabilization in the markets for potatoes, red beets and white cabbages and absence of serious negative dynamics in the markets for cucumbers and tomatoes should also be noted. Moreover, cucumbers and tomatoes are already cheaper than last year.
We would remind you that the first in the CIS international conference “Apple Business of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova - 2011” will take place at Stolychnyi Wholesale Market (the largest wholesale market of Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine, August 11, 2011. Their participation has been already confirmed by the largest apple producers from these countries. The program of the event is available here. Registration of the conference participants is in progress.