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August 3 2011, 15:34 Fruit-Inform

Kazakhstan keeping on increasing fruit imports

According to Fruit-Inform Project, Kazakhstan keeps on dynamically increasing fruit imports and becomes more and more attractive target market for international suppliers. Kazakhstan's fruit imports grew 7 times over last 5 years. This shows a dynamical growth of Kazakhs' demand for fruits and domestic growers' unreadiness to satisfy such a demand.

Increase in demand is a result of changes in Kazakhs' diet, as they traditionally preferred meat and products of animal origin. However, with global prices for grains and meat foods growing, Kazakhstan's logistics improving, trade developing and supply of cheap fruits in the domestic market increasing, consumption of them began to show dynamic growth rates.

China is the major Kazakhstan's trade partner and accounts for almost a half of the latter's total fruit imports. Then Ecuador, Poland, Pakistan, South Africa, Argentina, Turkey and Spain follow. As to Uzbekistan, it takes only the 14th place among major suppliers. At the same time, this is just indicative of the official statistics being not accurate.

We should note that Kazakhstan's fruit and vegetable business representatives will take part in the first in the CIS international conference “Apple Business of Ukraine, Russia and Moldova - 2011” which will take place at Stolychnyi Wholesale Market (the largest wholesale market of Ukraine), Kiev, Ukraine, August 11, 2011. In addition to them, participation has been already confirmed by more than 200 representatives of the apple business from 12 countries of the world.

Furthermore, you have a unique opportunity to meet with Russian purchasers of fruits and vegetables and get detailed information about present situation and development prospects of Russia's fruit and vegetable market during the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”. The event will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. Registration of the conference participants is currently in active progress.

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