Belarus's record-breaking potato exports in 2010
According to Fruit-Inform Project, Belarus, the biggest per-capita consumer of potatoes in the world, sharply increased its potato trade volumes in 2010. Potato exports grew 4 times year-on-year, and potato imports – almost 9 times. Moreover, Belarus remained the net-exporter of potatoes.
Almost all Belarus's potato exports were going to Russia; potato imports – from Poland, the Netherlands, Germany and Ukraine. Poland and Ukraine mainly exported ware potatoes to Belarus; Germany and the Netherlands supplied predominantly seed potatoes.
We would remind you that a unique opportunity to meet with Russian purchasers of fruits and vegetables and get detailed information about present situation and development prospects of Russia's fruit and vegetable market will be provided during the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”. The event will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. Registration of the conference participants is currently in active progress.