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August 26 2011, 18:17 Fruit-Inform

Russia: No one wants cabbages even at EUR 0.05/kg

According to Fruit-Inform Project, the situation in the Russian market for white cabbages remains critical. Farmers from many regions try to sell white cabbages at EUR 0.05/kg and are ready to make further concessions, but report of full absence of interest to this product.

In such a way, current wholesale prices for white cabbages are already 7-8 times lower than in the same period of last year. Nevertheless, the supply of this produce exceeds even theoretical consumption potential, and exports are limited by geography of countries traditionally consuming white cabbages and low prices in them. In particular, white cabbage prices in Ukraine are even lower than in Russia (wholesale prices have already fallen to EUR 0.04-0.05/kg). Fruit-Inform Project warns of the situation with late varieties of white cabbages (harvesting of which is expected to start in about a month) to be even worse than with early and middle-season varieties.

We would remind you that more detailed information about the weekly price situation in the Russian and Ukrainian markets for fruits and vegetables, the history of prices over last 5 years and forecasts of their changes as well as full production, import and export statistics is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly. Also the detailed fresh produce production, trade and price forecast for Russia will be presented during the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”. The event will take place in conjunction with World Food Moscow, September 14, 2011. Registration of the conference participants is currently in active progress.

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