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September 1 2011, 12:48 Fruit-Inform

Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011. 60% of exhibition area sold!

Over two months since the start of Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 advertizing campaign and notwithstanding the summer vacation period, 60% of the exhibition area was sold. As of today, their participation in the exhibition was confirmed by 33 companies from 9 countries of the world: Germany, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Russia, USA, Ukraine and Chile. Over the last week of August, the following companies joined other exhibitors: AMI, AltraconK, Viscon, Bonus, Dvipa, Teravet Ukraine and Chilean Fresh Fruit Association. Furthermore, in September the decision to take part in the exhibition will be made by more than 100 companies that affirmed their preliminary interest.

“The sector with the past season's turnover to have amounted to $4.5 bil. deserves to have its own professional fair under the most convenient conditions”, Tetiana Getman, Head of Fruit-Inform Project (the exhibition co-organizer), says. “Our clients are very optimistic over the fact that the fair will take place at IEC – the most state-of-the-art exhibition complex of Ukraine. And we guarantee the highest attendance during the exhibition days thanks to all big and medium-scale producers, processors, traders, wholesalers and retailers to receive personal invitations, inclusive of phone ones, and many directors of enterprises to have already confirmed their participation in our conference which will take place in conjunction with Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011”, the expert adds.

This year participation in the fair will be rather urgent for all key players in the fresh produce market, as Ukraine has already started its harvesting of the record-breaking potato, apple and traditional vegetable crops. The exhibition will be a place for the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter” which will be especially focused on the fresh produce marketing and export issues.

We invite you to visit the official exhibition web-site where you can find a list of exhibitors and current floor plan.

Become a Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 exhibitor, and we will place your banner on the exhibition web-site with a link to your web-site absolutely for free!

Would you have any questions regarding Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 or the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”, please contact International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform Project: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin), [email protected].

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