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September 9 2011, 12:35 Fruit-Inform

'European Flavours' brings EU fruit and veg to Moscow

At the Russian exhibition, which will be held in Moscow from 13 to 16 September, the European project will be a central attraction with initiatives at its stand and presentations on the opportunities for European fruit and vegetables in Russia.

Russia imports over 1 million tonnes of vegetables and over 2000 tonnes of fruit from the European Union, with fruit and vegetable exports from Italy alone totalling in excess of 100,000 tonnes with a value of over 12 million euros. This is one of the statistics that will be presented at the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”, which will take place on 14 September as a part of World Food Moscow, the international food fair being staged in Moscow from 13 to 16 September.

The sponsors of the international conference include ‘European Flavors’, the European project funded by the EU, the Italian government and CSO to promote the taste and quality of fruit and vegetables from the Old Continent in a number of non-European countries. The European programme will be represented at World Food Moscow by its own stand and a series of initiatives.

During the conference scheduled for Wednesday 14, European Flavors will promote the presentation of Federico Milanese, Director of the Mediterranean Fruit Company, entitled “Italian fruits and vegetables in Russia and other countries outside the EU”. This topic is one of particularly relevance to the Russian market, which from 2009 to 2010 saw Italian fruit and vegetables imports rise by over 28% from 81,134 to 104,256 tonnes, with an increase in value of 62%.

“European fruit and vegetable produce is showing very promising growth in Russia,” declared Federico Milanese, director of the Mediterranean Fruit Company. “This data is very interesting for us, because it demonstrates that the Russian market is mature enough to accommodate even more products with high quality and safety standards.”

The European Flavors project is intended to present and promote fresh and processed European fruit and vegetables in the target countries of Russia, the USA, Canada and Japan. The activities envisaged by the project include in-store promotions, representation at the industry’s major trade fairs in the participating countries, and meetings and events designed to showcase European fruit and vegetables.

To find out more about the project and the products that it is promoting, attend the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”.


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