Russia increases imports of frozen fries
According to Fruit-Inform Project, in the first half of 2011, Russia's imports of frozen potato products (comprised mostly of frozen fries) were 18% higher year-on-year, and 44% higher than in the same period of 2009.
Growth of imports is caused by lower production of both potatoes and frozen fries in Russia in 2010. Imports were backed also by growing demand for these products thanks to further development of restaurant chains and growth in the HoReCa segment. Retail sales of frozen fries were as before relatively low in Russia, but, nevertheless, showed a somewhat increase.
Poland was the major supplier of frozen fries to the Russian Federation and accounted for about 70% of Russia's total imports. Netherlands took the second place with the share of 22% in total imports. Ukraine unexpectedly became the third largest exporter of these products to Russia in 2011 with the share of about 3% in total imports.
We would remind you that the first fundamental study “The Market for Frozen Fruits, Berries, and Vegetables of Ukraine and Russia” contains detailed information about the situation in this business of both countries. Fruit-Inform Project has conducted the study by means of its own information that enables to show the real situation in the market, which significantly differs from the official statistics.