Russia's greenhouse centers on the verge of unprofitability
Notwithstanding Russia's huge market for greenhouse vegetables, internal production is developing rather slowly in the country due to high production costs and strong competition from the side of imported products. As of 2010, the total area under winter greenhouses in Russia amounted to 1.84 thous. ha (for comparison: China has more than 80 thous. ha under modern greenhouses), Natalya Rogova, President of Association of Greenhouses of Russia, said during her speech at the Fourth International Conference “Fruit & Vegetable Business of Russia – 2011”.
According to the expert, the greenhouse vegetable production costs increase averagely by 30% per annum in Russia while average selling prices increase only by 2% per annum.
“According to Association's data, the average selling price for greenhouse vegetables amounted to RUB 45.1/kg (EUR 1.07/kg) in 2010 with production costs being at RUB 43.4/kg (EUR 1.03/kg)”, Mrs. Rogova added.
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