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September 20 2011, 12:52 Fruit-Inform

Vegetable and potato prices in Poland lower than in Ukraine

According to Fruit-Inform Project, the problems faced by Ukrainian producers of vegetables and potatoes are rather urgent also in Poland. As of today, fresh produce prices in this country are even lower than in Ukraine.

In particular, Polish farmers sell potatoes at EUR 0.06-0.08/kg, white cabbages – at EUR 0.06/kg, onions – at EUR 0.08-0.09/kg, carrots – at EUR 0.14/kg, and red beets – at EUR 0.07/kg (more detailed daily price monitoring of the fresh produce markets in Poland, Russia and Ukraine is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly).

Poland is Ukraine's main competitor in vegetable shipments to the Russian Federation. Moreover, Polish suppliers often export limited quantities of vegetables even to Ukraine when this country experiences shortage of domestic produce. Nevertheless, Ukraine has an advantage over Poland in exports to Russia thanks to Ukraine-Russia free trade agreement. At the same time, Polish exporters have more developed post-harvesting and logistics infrastructure as well as higher quality of their produce.

More detailed information about Ukraine's fresh produce production and price forecasts is available in Fruit-Inform Project's updated fundamental study “Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ukraine - 2011: Results and Forecasts for the Next Season” which will be completed by October 1, 2011. The study will be broadened with information about quality of harvested fruits, vegetables and potatoes, prospects of their storage as well as Ukraine's storage capacity dynamics. Traditionally, the forecast will contain the detailed fresh produce production and trade statistics as well as full contact information of Ukraine's fruit and vegetable industry.

Furthermore, we would remind you that the Ukrainian fresh produce business is meeting at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair which will take place at IEC (the most up-to-date exhibition center of Ukraine in Kiev), from November 30 to December 2, 2011. The fair will also be a place for the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”.

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