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October 24 2011, 14:44 Fruit-Inform

Almost no free spaces left at Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair

Dear fruit and vegetable business participants,

As Fruit-Inform had informed earlier, Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair aroused a keen interest among Ukrainian fruit and vegetable business representatives and foreign companies. As a result, as of today, more than a month before the start of the event, about 90% of the exhibition area are sold.

The high interest to the fair from the side of visitors should also be mentioned: the increase in registration through the official exhibition web site amounts to more than 50% per week. If the electronic registration maintains its current increase dynamics, then about 1,000 invitations will be sent by November 1, 2011. In addition, more than 20,000 invitation letters will be sent to Ukrainian fruit and vegetable companies by post in early November.

Among exhibitors having recently registered their participation, we may mention the following companies: SV-Kholod, Ukraine (refrigeration equipment); Adelaida (production and trade in ware and seed potatoes, leadership in Potato Association of Ukraine); Battistini, Italy (distribution of fruit seedlings); Vita Fruit, Poland (exports and imports of fruits and vegetables). As a result, as of today, there are 55 companies from 11 countries throughout the world to have officially confirmed their participation in Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011.

We invite you to where you will be able to see the exhibitors' list and the fair plan.

Join Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 exhibitors by booking a stand and be in the thick of the Ukrainian fruit and vegetable sector events!

More detailed information about the exhibition, conditions of participation, current floor plan and application form can be requested via e-mail: [email protected], or by phone: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin, International Relations Manager of Fruit-Inform).

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