Ukraine's onion exports keep on growing
Ukraine is actively intensifying its onion exports now. As of October 2011, Ukraine exported 20% more onions year-on-year. Fruit-Inform's experts think that Ukraine may break the onion exports record this year thanks to the surplus in the internal market expected to amount to 250,000-300,000 tonnes.
What onion prices will be in the second half of the season? What exporters' conditions should Ukrainian producers fulfill to sell their onion surplus on the most favorable terms? These questions will be answered at the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”, during the conference speech of Larisa Semenets, General Director of Kalinovka Trading House.
We would remind you that the conference will take place in conjunction with Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair, IEC, Kiev, Ukraine, November 30 – December 2, 2011.
The third conference day (December 2, 2011) will be fully dedicated to the Trade Forum with about 30 Ukrainian and Russian retail chains and traders (X5 Retail Group, Viktoriya, Tander, Auchan, Metro, ATB-Market, Kontinent, Karavan, Klass, Ukrainskiy Retail, Billa, Furshet, Velyka Kyshenya, Varus, Fozzy Group and many others).
Would you have any questions regarding participation in these events, please contact:
International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform: Mr. Ievgen Kuzin, tel.: +380 56 2320795 (ext. - 341), cell: +380 96 5836323, email: [email protected].