Ukraine: vegetable and potato seed suppliers to make solid concessions to purchasers in new season
The survey of leading Ukrainian producers, conducted by Fruit-Inform to form the first in Ukraine top-list of the best vegetable seed suppliers, shows that the demand for high-quality vegetable and potato seeds is now at the dramatically low level. Producers are afraid of being unable to pay for expensive seeds taking into account record low prices for produce and lack of the serious price growth prospects till the end of the season.
Currently, nobody doubts the sales of vegetable and potato seed sales to shrink in the next season. In connection with this, seed suppliers have already started developing different programs (crediting and payment adjourning) to enable them to avoid too sharp decrease in sales. In addition, seed suppliers plan to persuade farmers by means of vegetable and potato price growth forecasts for the next year and expect higher demand for less expensive seeds. A the same time, seed suppliers think they will not be able to lower prices significantly, as the largest part of high-quality seeds is imported to Ukraine. Moreover, in case of the next year's decrease in Ukrainian currency rate, prices for seeds may even grow in the UAH terms.
We would remind you that vegetable and potato seed suppliers from many countries around the globe will introduce their products to visitors of Fresh Produce Ukraine 2011 Fair at IEC, Kiev, Ukraine, November 30 – December 2, 2011. The fair will also be a place for the Eighth International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”, where Fruit-Inform's Ukrainian top-list of the best seed suppliers will be announced.