Chilean blueberry exports growing
Chile plans to export 78,000 tonnes of blueberries in the current season and increase exports to 117,000 in the following season, inclusive of fresh and frozen berries. This was said by Mr. Christian Carvajal, Marketing Manager of Chilean Fresh Fruit Association, at the 8th International Conference “Fruits & Vegetables of Ukraine – 2011. New Exporter”.
Mr. Carvajal noted that Chilean producers planned to expand areas under blueberries notwithstanding Chile's blueberry production area amounting to 50,000 hectares in the current year.
As of late November, the country exported 70,000 tonnes of blueberries that is 7 times as much as in the season 2003/04. 70% of all blueberry exports head to Germany, 4% - to the USA.
In addition, Chile leads in grape and plum exports. Avocado and apple export shipments are as well rather high. According to Mr. Carvajal, Chilean produce is exported to more than 100 countries throughout the globe.
In addition, Chile plans to organize good sales outlets in Europe and Asia. “Why don't we export blueberries to Ukraine too?”, Mr. Carvajal was quoted as saying.