Russia turns into net exporter of potatoes
According to Fruit-Inform, potato overproduction in Russia in 2011 led to the Russian Federation, the country that had been one of the biggest importers of potatoes in the past season, to have turned into the net exporter of this commodity.
In September-November 2011, Russia's potato exports stably exceeded imports with a positive trade balance keeping on growing. Azerbaijan was the main destination for Russian potatoes. Small lots were also exported to Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia and Mongolia.
Potato imports were bound mainly for the Russian Far East with China and USA being the major suppliers.
More detailed information about the Russian potato market is available in the fundamental study “Potato Business of Russia and Ukraine - 2010. Present Situation and Prospects of Development, which can be ordered at International Relations Department of Fruit-Inform: tel.: +380 56 2320795 (ext. - 341), cell: +380 96 5836323 (Ievgen Kuzin), email: [email protected].
More detailed information about Ukrainian and Russian fruit and vegetable markets is available for subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly service package.